Physical Therapy
Everyone has different needs based on the conditions of their bodies. There is no cookie-cutter approach to health and wellness, as one treatment plan may not work the same for one person as it would for another.
Dr. Chazzy will work closely with you to evaluate your mobility, balance, range of motion, and severity of pain. Your physical goals will also be taken into account when creating your treatment plan, as well as any health risks that may be holding you back.
Perhaps you are still suffering from the lingering pain of an injury.
Perhaps you are recovering from surgery and trying to get your range of motion back.
Perhaps your joints simply aren’t what they used to be, and you are looking for relief.
Dr. Chazzy can pinpoint problem areas and create a customized treatment plan aimed at improving those areas
Return to Sport
Whatever age you are, or your level of physical ability you may have, physical therapy can help you in enhancing the healing process of a sports injury. With our sports injury rehabilitation programs, you will be able to get back to doing the activities you love in no time. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to get off the sidelines and return to your sport, give our office a call today to schedule with one of our highly trained physical therapists.
Post Surgery
A key component to regaining strength and mobility after surgery is physical therapy. While surgery aims to address health issues, some sort of physical therapy may be required in your journey toward optimal recovery. Strengthening your muscles and improving your range of motion not only helps in recovery but also can reduce pain and prevent future injuries to the same area.
Dry Needling
When performing dry needling, our physical therapist will insert a sterile needle through the skin, into the underlying tendons, ligaments, or muscles that have been affected, in order to relieve pain, decrease muscle tension, and improve mobility.
While it is a common misconception, dry needling is not acupuncture. It is based on a modern scientific study of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems.